Deploying an ML Model inside a Docker Container using Flask.
Before we start building our project, I’d highly suggest you quickly go through my previous story on docker containers.
- In this project, we’ll build an interactive web-app using Flask.
- This web-app will help us predict salary if a person joins a company ‘X’ based on the company’s past data.
Note: Salary is directly (and only) related to the past work experience of the candidate.
- We’ll use python programming language to train our machine learning model.
- Flask will be responsible for our front end as well as backend.
- Flask app fetches the required data entered by user, processes it in the backend and displays the desired output.
- The model along with Flask app will be shiped to a docker container later to be hosted.
Training the Model:
- To train the model, we’ll be using this dataset.
- Dataset contains two attributes, year’s of experience and the salary of the employee.
- We’ll be using Linear Regression, to train our model.
- The overall goal is to find a suitable value of ‘a’ and ‘b’ that fits well in the equation, Y = a + bX.
where, X (Experience) is the independent variable and plotted along the x-axis
Y (Salary) is the dependent variable and plotted along the y-axis
b is the slope of the line, and a is the intercept (the value of y when x = 0).
Note: at line 16, we dump our model into a binary file named ‘model.x’, this allows us to reuse or even share the model among various programs which can use this pre-trained model directly.
Creating Flask App:
- Our Flask app provides 2 endpoints.
- ‘/’ is used to render the main HTML page of our webapp, this page gets the input from user and forwards it to the other route ‘/predict’ using GET call.
- ‘/predict’ route fetches the user data(name,experience) incoming from ‘/’ route.
- The experience (x) with the help of model (which was loaded in Flask from the ‘model.x’ file), is used to predict the salary.
The model.predict([[x]]) uses the calculated slope ‘b’ and intercept ‘c’ along with passed experience ‘x’, to predict the salary ‘y’.
Y = a + bX
- After the successful calculation of the salary, a new HTML page is rendered displaying our predicted salary.
- In case of any error/exception, Flask handles it and an error page is rendered.
Runing the app inside Docker:
- Now since the Model is already trained and Flask app is ready, its time to deploy them to the Docker container.
- There are number of ways to do so, feel free to choose whatever you like.
- We will be using Dockerfile to create a docker image and git to store and copy the model and Flask code.
- Build the image and then run the container to deploy the web-app.
After the image is built, we can store it in a remote repository (docker hub), this allows us to easily download the image when ever required.
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 pewxh/salary-prediction-flask
The above commands launches a new detached container with port number 5000 published (to the outside world using port number 5000 of the host) from the image pewxh/salary-prediction-flask:latest.
- I hope you get the basic idea of how to dockerise your machine learning model using Flask.
- Feel free to use any machine learning model in the similar manner.
- Source code ->